
On Audit Structure and Financial Transparency we are building a structure ...

Aren, provides with only the best auditing services based on the universal ethical principles of the auditing profession. Our main aim is to fulfill our clients' expectation of trustworthy and correct information. We promise to provide with clear information to all board directors and members, auditing committees, shareholders, investors and other benefactors.

We undertake our auditing services based on the International Auditing Standards. We base our high quality auditing services on establishing the correct auditing team, the application of the auditing methodology developed by our company and of which has been proved in efficiency and the application of improved auditing information, tools and techniques.

Our services include:

  • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs)
  • The U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP)
  • The Turkish Accounting Standards published by the Public Oversight Accounting and Auditing Standards Authority (KGK) and the Turkish Financial Reporting Standards (TMS/TFRS) and the Turkish Financial Reporting Standards prepared for SMEs (KOBİ TFRS)
  • Generally Accepted Accounting Principles published by the Capital Markets Board (SPK), Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BDDK), Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EPDK) and Undersecretariat of Treasury (HM)
  • Independent auditing of financial statements for other special requirements (ex: group reporting manual) based on the auditing standards of specified accounting principles.

We support our clients with Due Diligence services for acquirements, cooperation's and transfers, ventures and risk capital investments, joint ventures, project financing and other special commercial transactions that require special analysis and reporting services. Based on the examination of financial statements, the management and operations, conformity to the related laws, documentation and processes; the reports bellow can be provided:

  • Commercial Due Diligence
  • Market Due Diligence
  • Financial Due Diligence
  • Tax Due Diligence
  • Legal Due Diligence
  • Human Resources& Cultural Due Diligence

The increasing complications of the commercial businesses and the increase in number of processes in business, creates an increase in fraud and misrepresentation risks. These may be caused by the personnel as well as the management. The losses companies face in such situations may not be limited to monetary losses. Such incidents may cause a serious damage to the company's reputation. At Aren, we aim to protect our clients from risks of fraud and misrepresentation and provide with our expertise for management of such risks. Our services include:

  • Evaluation of the Fraud and Misrepresentation Risk
  • Risk Management in Event of Fraud and Misrepresentation
  • Determining the Fraud and Risk
  • Legal Support Following Determination
  • Training For Prevention of Fraud and Misrepresentation

Our internal auditing services aim to provide with assurance of the internal control systems to keep in check the reliability of the financial reporting systems, the related laws and regulations, the effectiveness and efficiency of operations.

  • Our internal auditing services are an independent and objective consulting and auditing activity that aims to improve the operations of our clients and create value to the business. Our internal auditing services also provide our clients with risk management and a systematic approach for improvement of efficiency by evaluating the control and corporate managerial functions.